This article will help you to understand the process on how to configure a job card operations/steps in such a way that the technician can see and perform them on the tablet.

Every and each ticked step will be time-stamped and assigned to the technician who has performed it.

Once you found the job card in Quotations, you can add the operations :

You can now transform the Quotation into a Work Order as you usually do.


If you want this information to be persistent, you will have to add the operation to the job card in the resources Job Cards module.

As you can see on this screen, the technician is now able to see operations on the tablet device :

The technicians, once they are badged in, can now tick the box when the operation is done.

Behind the scene, this action time-stamps the operation and amends the technician's name to it.

Once the technician ticked the box, he can type in the performed work's description, as shown below :

Here is what you should see as performed operations in the Work Order report: